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Four distinct runs of Chinook salmon in the Sacramento River

The salmon runs are: fall, late-fall, winter and spring. Coleman National Fish Hatchery raises three of the four runs; they do not raise spring-run.
The Sacramento River system is home to salmon year round-they may be juveniles, eggs or adults, but you can sometimes find salmon if you look in the right places.
The Chinook salmon pictured below were captured in a rotary-screw trap in the Sacramento River, each fish is from a different run.
Right now in the Sacramento River winter-run have nearly finished spawning, spring-run will begin spawning soon, and fall run are moving into the river from the ocean.

Next time you visit the Sacramento River, or any of the creeks flowing into the river, in northern California look for signs of salmon.


WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 21 at Coleman Fish Hatchery.

The hatchery is open to the public daily (including holidays), 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Adult Chinook salmon begin returning to Battle Creek in September and large numbers of salmon are gathered at the barrier weir by late-September and early-October.  The best time for adult salmon viewing is typically the month of October.

We spawn fall Chinook salmon from early-October through mid-November and we spawn steelhead and late-fall Chinook salmon from January through mid-February.  Spawning typically occurs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but you can contact the hatchery for information about spawning on a specific day.

Recreation and Education

The hatchery is open for self guided tours daily, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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