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May 17 Fish &Game Commission Meeting | Salmon & Halibut Issues

SALMON AND HALIBUT ISSUES: Find the agenda’s to these meeting on the F&G Commish website.


3. California halibut emergency Discuss and consider adopting emergency regulations for California halibut to reduce daily bag and possession limits in anticipation of greater fishery pressure due to salmon fishing closures. (Amend Section 28.15, Title 14, CCR)

4. Klamath River Basin sport fishing (annual) Adopt proposed amendments to Klamath River Basin sport fishing regulations and consider taking final action under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Amend Section 5.87 and subsection 7.40(b)(50), Title 14, CCR)

5. Central Valley sport fishing (annual) Adopt proposed amendments to central valley sport fishing regulations and consider taking final action under CEQA. (Amend subsections 7.40(b)(4), (43), (66) and (80), Title 14, CCR)

6. Chinook salmon emergency closures in the Klamath, Trinity, Eel, and Smith rivers Discuss and consider adopting emergency regulations for Chinook salmon recreational fishing closures for the Klamath River, Trinity River, Eel River, and Smith River due to federal salmon closure recommendations. (Amend subsections 7.40(b)(40), (b)(50), and (b)(105), Title 14, CCR)

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