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Marine Resources Committee will meet on March 14 and 16

The Marine Resources Committee will meet on March 14 and 16, 2023.

Members of the public are welcome to participate in-person, in Seaside and Monterey respectively, via Zoom webinar, or by phone. Instructions on how to participate will be posted to the Fish & Game Commission’s website prior to the meeting. From:

Click Here for meeting schedules, how to join, agendas

WHEN: March 14, 2023 at 8:30 a.m.
California State University Monterey Bay, University Center Auditorium4314 – 6th Avenue, Seaside CA 93955

For complete instructions on how to join via Zoom or telephone, go to umentID=210474&inline

WHEN: March 16, 2023 at 8:30 a.m.
WHERE: Monterey County Fair & Event Center Seaside Room
2004 Fairground Road Monterey CA 93940

On Thursday, March 16, you may join the webinar directly at

For complete instructions on how to join via Zoom or telephone, go to umentID=210474&inline

  1. Approve agenda and order of items
  2. California halibut fishery bycatch evaluation in support of the fishery management reviewReceive Department update on evaluating fisheries bycatch and acceptability in the California halibut set gillnet fishery, discuss initial results, provide committee direction on next steps, and potentially develop committee recommendation.
  1. Aquaculture leasing in California – public interest determinationReceive and discuss proposed public interest criteria for new lease applications and public input, and potentially develop committee recommendation.
  2. Coastal Fishing Communities PolicyReceive Commission staff update on the coastal fishing communities policy development process and public input, including outcomes from the December 1, 2022 public workshop. Receive and discuss staff-recommended final draft policy for potential Commission adoption, and potentially develop committee recommendation.
  3. Giant and bull kelp
    1. (A)  Kelp recovery tracking and restoration efforts
      Receive Department update on kelp coverage trends along California and progress in kelp restoration strategies, including experiments conducted in collaboration with agency partners and stakeholders.
    2. (B)  Kelp restoration and management plan development
      Receive Department update on and discuss development, timeline, and public engagement opportunities for a kelp recovery and management plan for giant and bull kelp.
  4. Staff and agency updates
    Receive updates from staff and other agencies on topics requested by the Committee. Note: To enhance meeting efficiency, the Committee intends to receive updates primarily in writing. The public will be given an opportunity to provide comment, although the level of in- meeting discussion will be at the discretion of the Committee.

(A) California Ocean Protection Council
I. Statewide aquaculture action plan development update

(B) Department

  1. Law Enforcement Division
  2. Marine Region

a. Rulemaking – lampara nets for commercial take of Pacific herring in Humboldt Bay

III. Office of State Aquaculture Coordinator

a. Aquaculture state water bottom leases: existing lease requests and new applications

(C) Commission staff

  1. Future agenda items
    1. (A)  Review work plan agenda topics, priorities, and timeline
    2. (B)  Potential new agenda topics for Commission consideration
  2. General public comment for items not on the agendaThe Committee may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this item, except to consider whether to recommend that the matter be added to the agenda of a future meeting [Sections 11125, 11125.7(a), Government Code].

DAY 2 – March 16, 2023, 8:30 AM

9. Marine protected areas (MPA) decadal management review

Receive public input and discuss the first decadal management review for California’s MPA network and summary of the MPA Day: Management Review Forum hosted on March 15, 2023. Explore next steps for continued review by and guidance from the Commission.

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