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Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Data Sheets on Klamath Salmon

The latest Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) data on Klamath Salmon. NCGASA’s president James Stone attends these meetings and aims to keep the membership up to date on what is going on with Klamath River salmon fishery. NCGASA keeps a record of data available on the Resources pages on this website for future reference.

Page 1: Estimates of Yurok and Hoopa Valley reservation Indian gillnet Chinook harvest in numbers of fish. CLICK HERE

Page 2: Summary of Klamath River fall Chinook salmon estimates in numbers of adults and jacks. CLICK HERE

The Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) manages fisheries for approximately 119 species of salmon, ground fish, coastal pelagic species (sardines, anchovies, and mackerel), and highly migratory species (tunas, sharks, and swordfish) on the West Coast of the United States. They are one of eight regional fishery management councils established by Congress in 1976. Click Here for their website.

Call to Action: Please attend any Zoom meetings if you can by phone or by computer. Get involved and help us save our fisheries.


Photo Credit: Leonard Ferris fishes for salmon with gill nets near the Tish Tang campground in Hoopa in 2009. He said his family has been fishing in the same spots on the Trinity River for generations and that the fish are fewer and come up the river later in the year than when he was a child fishing with his grandfather. — Record SearchLight, Redding Newspaper

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