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Request for immediate hatchery production increases, upgrading and updating hatchery management practices

A plea to raise more fish

Dear Regional Administrator Thom, Regional Director Conant, Regional Director Souza, Secretary Crowfoot, Director Bonham, Director Nemeth, Senator McGuire and Assemblyman Stone

On behalf of the undersigned organizations, whose commercial livelihoods are all dependent on a strong and successful salmon fishery in California, we wish to present you with the attached letter on the state of our salmon industry.  We look forward to additional dialogue once you have had a chance to review and digest the points in the letter. Our coalition is requesting a meeting with senior leadership at the state and federal levels to discuss immediate hatchery production increases starting in 2022 statewide and upgrading and updating hatchery management practices.

Thank you, Mark Smith

Sent on behalf of James Stone (NCGASA), Rick Powers (GGFA), George Bradshaw and Mike Conroy (PCFFA).


Smith Policy Group
1001 K Street, 6th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 335-5072


CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the full letter.

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